Schedule UEE / UPEE
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has published the schedule of entrance examinations for the master’s degree program: Unified Entrance Examination (UEE) and the Unified Professional Entrance Examination (UPEE).
Registration for the main session will last from May 07 to May 29 inclusive, and for the additional session – from June 17 to June 21. Registration is carried out by the admission committees of universities, and we will be happy to tell you what documents you need to prepare, what to look for, and how to register without unnecessary effort and nerves. Registered participants will receive exam sheets with login information (sheet number and PIN) on the information page “Participant’s account for the Master’s entrance exams“. By June 17, participants registered for the main session of the entrance exams will receive invitations-passes on their information pages, which will indicate the date, time and place of testing, and by July 26, participants of the additional session.
Participants will take the UEE and the UPEE in two sessions: the main session will last from June 24 to July 15, and the additional session will last from July 31 to August 14. Information about the results of the main session on a scale of 100-200 points will be posted on the participants’ information pages by July 20, and for the additional session by August 20.
See the infographic for details.

Fresh and free webinar for applicants
The M8 team of experts continues a series of webinars for students in grades 10-11, their parents, and everyone interested in the 2024 university admission campaign. We have already prepared answers to all your questions! How to choose the right university and specialty? What should I look for when choosing NMT subjects? How to register an applicant’s electronic account and submit applications? Answers to all questions in just 30 minutes for free! We are waiting for you in Zoom on Saturday, February 10, at 11:00! Get ready for greatness with M8!
Do you want to know more about the 2024 admission campaign to Ukrainian universities? Not sure where to start or where to go? Are you lost in a pile of resources? Don’t worry, we have prepared a presentation “How to enroll for sure without any extra effort”. Get ready and contact us!
NMT-2024: Test specifications approved
The Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment (UCEQA) has approved the general characteristics of the subject tests of the main and additional blocks of the National Multisubject Test (NMT) in 2024 and the scoring schemes for completing their tasks. For more information, see the infographics from the UCEQA!

Not sure how to register for the NMT and how to choose the right fourth subject? Contact us, M8 experts are ready to provide professional assistance to everyone!
Webinars for applicants: Let's do it!
The M8 team of experts is launching a series of webinars for students in grades 10-11, their parents, and everyone interested in the 2024 university admission campaign. How to choose the right institution and specialty? What should you look for when choosing NMT subjects? How to register an applicant’s electronic account and submit applications? Answers to all questions in just 30 minutes. We are waiting for you in Zoom on Saturday, January 27, at 12.00 and 17.00! Your success is not an accident, it is M8!
Admission procedure-2024: Public discussion
The Ministry of Education and Science has published for public discussion the draft Procedure for Admission to Higher Education in 2024. This is the main document that determines the course of the admission campaign, all its nuances and features. Until January 31, everyone can submit their proposals for consideration by the Ministry of Education and Science. What are the main changes for this year’s applicants?
- The National Multisubject Test (NMT) will include four subjects — three will be compulsory (Ukrainian language, mathematics, and history of Ukraine), and one will be optional (out of six possible). The NMT will become mandatory for all specialties, including creative and sports.
- The total number of applications will be reduced to 15 (5 can be submitted for the admission on a state-funded basis and up to 10 for the admission on a personal fee for all forms of education and all levels of education).
- For applicants for the specialties of Law, Public Administration and Management, International Relations, Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy, Dentistry, Medicine, Pediatrics, the competitive score cannot be less than 150, for applicants for all other specialties it remained within 130 for admission on a state-funded basis.
- The Unified Entrance Examination (UEE) has once again become mandatory for admission to master’s programs in all specialties.
- The privileged categories have also changed: some of them have expanded, while others have narrowed.
After the public discussion, the Ministry will have to make the necessary changes and finalize the document. It is from the moment the Procedure for Admission to Higher Education in 2024 comes into force that the active phase of the 2024 admission campaign begins.