Calculator for bachelors
There are a lot of questions from applicants about the calculation of the competition score. What coefficients to use? What and how to multiply? Why do you need to divide everything by the sum of the coefficients? Don’t worry, we’ve already done it all! Use our competitive score calculator and everything will be perfect! Enter your NMT scores, take into account additional conditions (additional points for completing pre-university courses), click «Calculate competitive score» and find out how many points you have!
Remember that the minimum competitive score for participation in the competition for admission to the state order in 2024 cannot be less than 130 points (for specialties 081 Law, 221 Dentistry, 222 Medicine, 226 Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy, 228 Pediatrics, 281 Public Management and Administration, 291 International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies, 292 International Economic Relations, 293 International Law – at least 150 points for admission by state order and at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities). And don’t forget about the results of the creative competition if you are applying to specialties where it is required!
Please note that the calculator automatically selects the subject that gives the highest competitive score among the subjects of choice (the fourth competitive subject). The sectoral coefficient is valid for applications with the first and second priority for specialties that receive special state support [Appendix 6 to the Admission Procedure-2024]. If the industry coefficient is applied, your score will be automatically multiplied by 1.02.
For the specialties defined in [Appendix 1 to the Admission Procedure-2024] a creative competition is provided, be careful!
The maximum competitive score after multiplying by the coefficients cannot exceed 200.
Do you have any questions? Contact us, we will help!
What should you do if I did not pass the UEE / UPEE?
What should we do if you are unable to take part in the main session of the UEE / UPEE due to valid reasons?
Registered participants who were unable to take part in the main session of the the UEE / UPEE due to valid reasons will be able to take the test during the additional session.
Within three calendar days from the date of the main UEE / UPEE session, you can apply for the additional session or you can do it right at the test centre before leaving the test centre. Who is eligible?
- Participants who were unable to start or complete the test due to reasons confirmed by the Regulatory Commissions.
- Participants who did not take part in the main session due to circumstances beyond their control (an application and supporting documents are required).
If you have experienced a procedure violation during the main session, you must submit an application for participation in an additional session on the test day along with your appeal. For example, someone interfered with your test taking.
IMPORTANT! If the dates of the UEE / UPEE coincide with final exams or defences at the university, contact the university to request that the exams and defences be postponed. In case of refusal, attach the refusal document to the application for participation in the additional session of the UEE / UPEE. Without this document, the Regulatory Commission may refuse registration.
The application for participation in the additional session and supporting documents can be submitted to the regional centre for education quality assessment in person, by post or by e-mail.
The decision on admission to the additional session is made by the Regulatory Commission at the regional centre on the basis of the records of the testing centre. Information about the decision will be indicated in the participant’s account.
Applicants may appeal against the decision of the Regulatory Commission to deny admission to the additional session by submitting an application to the Appeal Commission at the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment within three working days from the date of posting information about the refusal on the information page.
Registration for creative competitions and individual interviews
Registration for creative competitions and individual interviews at universities has begun! If you are applying for a creative study programme or a study programme where you need to demonstrate sporting achievements or are eligible for an interview, don’t forget to register for the competition! Registration is carried out through the applicant’s electronic cabinet. To do this, you need to:
✅ log in to the electronic account;
✅ choose a university;
✅ select a competition offer;
✅ choose the stream of the creative competition or interview (time and date convenient for you);
✅ submit an application for participation in the creative competition or interview.
You need to wait for confirmation from the educational institution and additional instructions (for example, a link in case of remote testing or an address in case of in-person testing).
Do not forget that each university has its own requirements for the creative competition and interviews.
To participate in the competition for the state funded program, you need to register by 10 July inclusive!
What majors are covered by the creative competition?
🎯 017 Physical Education and Sports (physical ability competition)
🎯 021 Audiovisual Arts and Production
🎯022 Design (in the specialisations Graphic Design, Fashion Design (Footwear), Environmental Design, Industrial Design)
🎯 023 Fine arts, decorative arts, restoration
🎯 024 Choreography
🎯 025 Musical art
🎯 026 Performing arts
🎯 191 Architecture and urban planning
Positive results of NMT are required in any case, but their weight will be minimal in the case of admission to creative specialities.
Who is eligible for admission by interview? Can’t register? Contact us, we will help!
Calculate your UEE and UPEE scores
If you have already passed the UEE and UPEE and do not know where to quickly convert your scores to a scale from 100 to 200, we have already done everything! Use a special service on our website. Follow the link, enter the scores you saw on the screen after completing the test (in the UEE, the scores for the foreign language and the GKT were displayed separately, the foreign language score was the first), click “Calculate”, and the scores are in front of you!
Everything is simple, fast and effortless! Are you applying for a master’s or post graduate program and don’t know what to do next after passing the exams? Contact us, we will help!
Registration for the Master's degree exam
We would like to remind all applicants to the Master’s programme that in addition to registering an e-cabinet, you also need to register for the professional exam at the university if you are applying for a speciality that does not require the UPEE. These are almost all engineering and technical specialities, medical specialities, etc. There are much fewer majors that require the UPEE.
💡 How do I register for the professional exam?
💡 Go to the applicant’s electronic account.
💡 Select the university.
💡 Select the required study programme.
💡 Select the stream – the time and date of the exam.
💡 Register!
The university must confirm that you are registered and send additional instructions (for example, a link if the exam is remote, or an audience if it is in-person) directly in the applicant’s account or by email. To apply for the state-funded programme, you must register by 16 July inclusive!
Can’t register? Contact us, we will help!
Registration of electronic accounts has begun
An important date for the 2024 admission campaign – the registration of electronic accounts for bachelor’s and master’s degree applicants has begun!
How to register an account?
💡 Go to and go to Registration.
💡 Enter your login – your email address (you must have constant access to this mailbox). Do not use Russian email addresses!
💡 Create a password.
💡 Select the basis of admission – certificate of complete secondary education or certificate or diploma of junior specialist, junior bachelor, professional junior bachelor or bachelor’s degree or master’s degree or specialist’s degree.
💡 Enter the series and number of the relevant document.
💡 Enter the number and PIN code of the NMT / EIT certificate or the UEE / UPEE exam sheet (if available) or the series and number of the passport-book or ID card number or identification code.
💡 Register your account.
Next, you will need
☎️ phone number;
📷 a photo of the documents on a light background in the form of a file up to 1 megabyte – you must upload it to your account, it will be on your student card in the future.
Who will not be able to register an electronic account?
📌 applicants who have discrepancies in their documents (for example, the surnames in their education documents and passport do not match);
📌 applicants who have foreign educational documents;
📌 applicants whose educational documents are old enough to be not included in the registers.
What should you do if you cannot register an account? It all depends on the situation, in some cases you will have to submit paper applications.
Not sure how to register correctly and afraid to make a mistake? Contact us, we will help!

There will be no contractual postgraduate studies this year
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has once again changed the rules for applicants to postgraduate studies: now, to be admitted, you need to score 160 points from the general knowledge competence test block in a UEE, and the possibility of entering a full-time contract has been cancelled. The relevant changes are published in an article by the Ministry of Education and Science on its website.
Until 2022, 7-8,000 people were enrolled in postgraduate studies every year. For comparison, in 2024, more than 246,000 people registered for master’s and postgraduate programmes in the UEE, 91,561 of whom were men aged 25-60 who already had a master’s or specialist degree.
The changes are made in accordance with the Procedure for Admission to Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctor of Philosophy / Art Degrees in 2024 and are based on a Special Order of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Changes to the Admission Procedure in 2024 include:
📌 Preservation of the UEE for all applicants to postgraduate studies with a new weight of its components in the calculation of the competitive score.
📌 Setting the minimum grade in the GKT section at 160 points.
📌 The possibility of not taking a foreign language grade into account in the competitive score for postgraduate studies at the discretion of the institution.
A special Order of the Ministry of Education and Science provides:
📌 Admission to postgraduate studies in 2024 is possible only for full-time study under the state order.
📌 Increase in the number of state-funded places to 7000.
📌 The contractual form remains for part-time and evening forms that do not provide for a deferral from mobilisation.
📌 Only persons who are not liable for military service or other categories legally allowed to interrupt their studies are allowed to resume full-time education.
The Ministry notes that education should not be a means of avoiding a constitutional duty. Postgraduate studies are intended to deepen research achievements and develop the scientific potential of Ukrainian education.
Foreign Language Exam for Postgraduate Students at the University Cancelled
Another important news for applicants to postgraduate studies! In accordance with the changes to the Admission Procedure 2024, the foreign language exam at the university has been cancelled! This was additionally emphasised by Oleh Sharov, Director General of the Directorate of Professional Higher Education and Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, at a meeting for educational institutions. Future PhDs must pass the UEE, and its results will be counted instead of the foreign language exam. We would like to remind you that the UEE must be passed with at least 150 points in each of the components – a foreign language and a test of general knowledge competence. If you have the results of the UEE for 2023 with a score of at least 130 points for the foreign language test, you can also apply for postgraduate studies.
Invitations to the UEE and UPEE are in participants' accounts
Invitations to take the the UEE and UPEE are now available in the personal accounts of the UEE and UPEE participants on the website of the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment. Participants of the upcoming tests for applicants to master’s and postgraduate’s programmes can find out where they will take the UEE and UPEE and at what time.
How do you find out where and when you will take the UEE and UPEE?
- Follow the link –, find the number of the exam paper and the PIN on your exam paper at the top.
- Enter the number and PIN in the appropriate fields.
- Perform a simple mathematical operation and log in to your account. On the “Examination location” tab, you will see the place where you will take the exam, the exact address and time.
We would like to remind you that all those who have not registered yet can do so from 17 to 21 June inclusive. In this case, you will take the test in an additional session from 31 July to 14 August. Not sure how to register? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
UEE / UPEE: additional registration`s start
Today, 17 June, additional registration for the UEE and UPEE begins. We answer all the painful questions of applicants!
Who can register? All applicants to postgraduate and master’s programmes who did not manage to register during the main registration period or have just decided to apply.
Do you need any valid reasons or documents confirming inability to register during the main session? No, absolutely all applicants who did not register during the main session can register.
When will the testing take place? The additional session will take place from 31 July to 14 August. You will receive your results by 20 August, which means you will have time to apply for master’s and postgraduate’s programmes.
Will it be possible to take the test abroad? No, there are no temporary testing centres abroad during the additional session.
How can you register?
Algorithm of actions:
💡 Decide on a speciality (especially if you need to take the UPEE).
Decide on the foreign language for the UEE – English, German, French or Spanish of your choice and the subject tests of the UPEE (if necessary).
💡 Decide on the city where you will take he UEE or the UPEE – be careful, the additional session is planned exclusively in Ukraine.
💡 Fill in the application form for registration fo the UEE or the UPEE.
💡 Prepare scans of documents – passport (ID-card on both sides or passport-booklet – 1, 2 pages, if the second and third photos were pasted – the corresponding pages with marks, passport – first page); identification code; a document on previous education (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s degree) or a certificate of completion of studies (for those who will receive a bachelor’s degree in 2024, such a certificate is taken at the university where you study), in case of a change of surname – a marriage certificate or a change of surname.
💡 Prepare a photo for the documents (one colour photo on a light background, as for the documents).
💡 Apply to an educational institution that conducts admission to a master’s or postgraduate programme.
💡 Get an examination sheet – a document with which you will come to the test and with which you will receive invitations in your personal account on the website of the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment.
Or you can simply contact us and we will explain all the details and help you with registration!