State grants: Changing the procedure

The day before the start of the process of applying for state grants from applicants, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine announced a radical change in the procedure. The MES plans to significantly simplify the process of obtaining grants, but this requires amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which takes time. Therefore, the grant procedure will not start on September 5.

What is the main change?

Students applying for grants will not be able to submit applications through the electronic cabinet. Now they will not submit any applications at all, but will receive notifications from the state about the grant through the Diia application. After receiving the notification, students must confirm that they really want to receive the grant. The money will also go directly to universities, not to special student accounts, as previously planned.

Be careful – if you do not have the Diia app installed, you cannot apply for a state grant!

📌 Who can apply for a grant?

  • Applicants with NMT (EIT) results in two subjects:
    💰 150+ points = first-level grant (from UAH 15,000)
    💰 170+ points = second-level grant (from UAH 25,000)
  • Applicants after high school or college
  • Applicants for full-time or dual forms of education
  • Applicants entering for the first time to obtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy.
  • Applicants enrolled on a contract at the university of their choice.

💡 What exactly does the grant cover and how?

A grant is a financial aid that does not need to be repaid. The state provides money to talented applicants to pay for tuition, but you can only pay for tuition, nothing else.

💡 Features of the program:

  • The amount of the grant may increase depending on the specialty.
  • Some specialties have only a second-level grant (170+ points).
  • The grant is provided for the entire period of study with payments twice a year.

Today, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine will additionally provide details on the changes that have taken place, follow our news!


New list of fields and specialties

On August 30, the Government of Ukraine took an important step towards integrating our higher education system into the European educational area. It approved a new list of fields and specialties that meets the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” and the recommendations of the European Commission. This decision is part of a comprehensive transformation of the higher education system and its content.

Why is it important?

  1. European integration: As a candidate country for accession to the European Union, Ukraine is actively implementing European legal norms in various areas, including education.
  2. Statistical harmonization: The new list will allow Ukraine to more effectively collect, analyze, and report statistics on education and training to Eurostat, OECD, and UNESCO.
  3. Compliance with international standards: The new list is harmonized with the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), which will facilitate the recognition of Ukrainian diplomas abroad.

What has changed?

  • Number of fields: The previous list included 28 fields of study. Now there are 11:
    • 10 fields corresponding to ISCED
    • 1 additional field “Security and Defense”, which takes into account the special conditions in which Ukraine is currently experiencing.

Implications and prospects

  1. Updating standards: A large-scale revision of higher education standards will begin in 2025. This is due to the adoption of the Law on Individual Educational Trajectories in May 2024.
  2. Interdisciplinarity: The new list will facilitate the implementation of interdisciplinary educational programs and improve the quality of training content in specialties with additional regulation.
  3. New opportunities for applicants: It is expected that as early as 2025, applicants will be able to apply according to the new List.

What’s next.

  • In the near future, a table of correspondence between the 2015 List of fields of knowledge and specialties and the new List will be prepared.
  • A public discussion of this table will be announced.

Follow the updates on our website to keep abreast of further changes in the field of higher education in Ukraine!


Scholarship: Who will receive money and in what amount?

We are often asked how scholarships are calculated, who will receive them, and in what amounts. If you have just entered a state-funded university and do not yet know whether you are eligible for a scholarship, we have prepared extensive information for you!

What are the types of scholarships?

  • Academic: for senior students (starting from the second year) is awarded based on the results of the semester control (session); for first-year students before the first semester control is awarded on the basis of the entrance test score. Academic scholarships are divided into nominal (Cabinet of Ministers, President, Mayor, etc.), regular, and scholarships for special academic achievements (enhanced). For first-year students, only regular scholarships are awarded in the first semester.
  • Social: awarded on the basis of laws establishing state benefits and guarantees for the award of social scholarships for certain categories of citizens (combatants, children of combatants, internally displaced persons, orphans, children or persons with disabilities, etc.)

Who can receive a scholarship?

Students who are studying

  • by state (regional) order;
  • full-time students.

What are the amounts of scholarships?

  • Regular – 2000 UAH
  • For special academic achievements (increased) – 2910 UAH
  • Regular (certain specialties) – 2550 UAH
  • For special academic achievements (increased for certain specialties) – 3711 UAH
  • Social scholarship (except for orphans and persons equated to them) – 1180 UAH
  • Social scholarship (for orphans and persons equated to them) – 4542 UAH

For which specialties will the scholarship be higher?

There is a list of specialties for which the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has established other amounts of academic scholarships.

  • 014 Secondary education (mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, computer science)
  • 016 Special education
  • 091 Biology
  • 103 Earth sciences
  • 104 Physics and astronomy
  • 105 Applied physics and nanomaterials
  • 111 Mathematics
  • 131 Applied mechanics
  • 132 Materials science
  • 133 Industrial engineering
  • 134 Aviation and rocket and space technology
  • 135 Shipbuilding
  • 136 Metallurgy
  • 141 Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
  • 142 Power engineering
  • 143 Nuclear power engineering
  • 144 Heat power engineering
  • 145 Hydropower engineering
  • 184 Mining engineering
  • 185 Oil and gas engineering and technology

Will all first-year students receive an academic scholarship?

  • No, the limit of scholarship holders corresponds to 40 to 45% (a fixed percentage is determined by the Academic Council of the educational institution) of the actual number of students enrolled in the faculty / specialty on a full-time budget.

For example, if 53 students are enrolled on the budget (for a fixed faculty and specialty) and the educational institution sets the limit of scholarship holders at 40%, then 21 students will receive an academic scholarship (rounding down).

Can you receive both academic and social scholarships at the same time?

  • Students applying for academic and social scholarships at the same time must choose only one of them. The exception is students who belong to the category of orphans or children deprived of parental care or persons equated to them. Students of this privileged category are the only ones who have the right to receive two scholarships at the same time (academic and social).


Recommendation for masters in the accounts of applicants

Congratulations to all applicants to the master’s program – the recommendation for the state-funded places, i.e. the results of the targeted placement algorithm for a broad competition and the results of the recommendation for a fixed volume of state order, have appeared in electronic accounts! All applications with priorities that had the status of “Admitted” as of today participated in this competition.

Where to find the recommendation?

Check the status of your application in your electronic account! If you have the status “Recommended (state-funded)”, you have passed the competition, if the status remains “Admitted”, then, unfortunately, you have not received a recommendation.

Lists of recommended applicants are also available on the websites of all universities.

What to do next?

If you have been recommended, you need to confirm your desire to study by August 26 (18.00) – in your electronic account you have to do it with a qualified electronic signature or Diia.Signature. Then you will need to send a package of required documents to the university where you will study. Be careful, all universities have their own list of documents. Just confirming in your office that you really want to study is not enough!

If you are not recommended, wait for a recommendation for a contract starting from August 27.

Still confused? We are here!


Last day to apply for a master's degree

Attention, future master’s students! Today, August 22, at 18.00, is the deadline for submitting applications for admission. Please check if you have already submitted your applications and if everything is in order in your online account. Haven’t submitted your application yet? Get to it!

What should you pay attention to? 🤔

  1. Choose your application carefully – sometimes the names are very similar and applicants can get confused.
  2. Do not forget that the master’s program can be educational and professional (1 year and 4 months) and educational and scientific (1 year and 9 months).
  3. Pay attention to what form of education you have applied for – full-time, part-time, distance, dual.
  4. Be careful with priorities – for all state-funded applications, you must prioritize from the highest (1) to the lowest (5). Once the application is processed by the educational institution, the priority cannot be changed.
  5. Check whether your educational documents and UEE/UPEE results are displayed correctly in your account.
  6. Attach a motivation letter to each application.
  7. Do not rush, but do not delay the application – today is the day to make a final decision!

Are you confused? Contact us, we are here for you!


THe UEE special session: Where to take the test?

Registration to take the Unified Entrance Exam (UEE) in a specially organised session has begun!

We remind you of the main points:

🎯 The UEE consists of two parts: a foreign language (English, German, French or Spanish at the applicant’s choice) and a test of general academic knowledge.

🎯 The exam takes place in one day and lasts 120 minutes.

🎯 The UEE is a computer-based test conducted in special centres.

🎯 The exam is required for admission to master’s and post-graduate programmes.

Who can take the test?

💡 Applicants who have registered for the main and additional sessions and did not pass.

💡 Applicants who have just decided to enrol.

💡 Applicants who want to improve their results.

Where exactly will the UEE be held? We have prepared a map for you, where we have marked all the locations in Ukraine where the exam is planned.

We would like to remind you that the UPEE will not be held in a specially organised session.

Do you have any questions? Do you want to register? Contact us, we will help you make everything easy and simple!


Special session of the UEE: The cost has been determined

Participation in the specially organised UEE session will cost UAH 879. This price was set by the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment. All applicants who will register from 12 to 19 August must pay for participation in the tests by 22 August to a special account of the UCEQA at the State Treasury Service of Ukraine. Payment can be made using the link in the personal account on the Ukrainian Centre’s portal, at terminals or in bank branches.

📅 Registration dates: 12 – 19 August 2024

📅 Dates of the event: 12 – 14 September 2024

Don’t miss your chance to register!

👥 Who can participate:

  1. Applicants who have registered for the UEE 2024, but:
    🔔 Could not participate.
    🔔 Want to improve their result.
  2.  Those who did not register for the UEE 2024 at all.

We remind you that there are no plans to hold the UPEE during a specially organised session!

Do you want to register? Contact us, we will help!


Re-entry into the state-funded places: Reimbursement.

Many questions arise from applicants who have already studied on a state-funded basis, have been expelled and are planning to re-enter on a state-funded basis. According to the current legislation (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 26.08.2015 No. 658 (as amended)), this is possible subject to reimbursement of funds spent by the state on their training.

Many people think that this is the cost of the contract, but the reimbursement amounts are much higher than the cost of the contract and do not depend on it at all.

🤔 Where to start?

Contact the educational institution where you studied before and order an academic certificate. As a rule, such certificates are issued by the dean’s office. It is worth addressing this issue now, because it takes up to 2 weeks to issue a certificate.

🧐 How do I apply for admission? Is it the same as everyone else or are there any peculiarities?

The issue of reimbursement will arise only when the applicant is recommended for the budget, so if you are recommended, it’s time to think about it.

📅 When and how will I find out about the need for a refund?

At the stage of confirmation of the conditions for admission by the applicant, the admission committee informs about the need to refund the funds and, as a rule, instructs on further actions.

🤓 Can I find out the amount of refund in advance?

No, this can only be done after enrollment. Within ten days after the publication of the order of enrollment, you must contact the dean’s office of the faculty/institute of the educational institution where you are enrolled to complete all the necessary documents for reimbursement. You must have an academic transcript with you.

❗️ Be careful! Good luck in the admission campaign!


Recommendation for bachelors

Congratulations to all applicants for bachelor’s degree – the recommendation for the state funded programs, i.e. the results of the targeted placement algorithm based on a wide competition, has appeared in your electronic accounts!

Where can I find the recommendation?

Check the status of your application in your electronic application centre! If you have the status «Recommended (budget)», you have passed the competition, if the status remains «Admitted», then, unfortunately, you have not received a recommendation.

Lists of recommended applicants are also available on the websites of all universities.

What to do next?

If you have been recommended, you need to confirm your desire to study by 8 August – in your electronic cabinet, you must do this using a qualified electronic signature or Diia.Signature. Then you will need to send a package of required documents to the institution where you will study.

If you are not recommended, wait until you are recommended for a contract starting from 9 August.

Still confused? Contact us, we will help you at every step!


All about state grants

Have you already applied for admission, but think you won’t be able to get in on a state-funded program? The state has introduced study grants specifically for applicants with high scores in two NMT subjects (over 150 or over 170) who do not qualify for state-funded places and plan to enrol on a contract basis. This is financial assistance that can be received throughout your bachelor’s degree and does not need to be repaid. We have collected everything you need to know about government grants in one article!

📌 Who is eligible for a grant?

  • Applicants with NMT (external independent testing) results in two subjects:
    💰 150+ points = first-level grant (from UAH 15,000)
    💰 170+ points = second-level grant (from UAH 25,000)
  • Applicants after school or college
  • Entrants to full-time or dual forms of education
  • First-time applicants for a bachelor’s or master’s degree in medicine, veterinary medicine, or pharmacy.
  • Applicants enrolled under a contract at the university of their choice.

💡 What exactly does the grant cover and how?

A grant is a financial aid that does not need to be repaid. The state provides money to talented applicants to pay for their education, but you can only pay for tuition fees, nothing else.

💡 What if the cost of the contract is higher than the grant?

The grant covers a part of it (as far as the amount is sufficient), and the other part is covered by the applicant or his or her parents or guardians.

🔍 What if the grant is higher than the contract price?

You will be allocated exactly the amount that covers the cost of the contract. The grant is provided for the entire period of study and is allocated twice a year – until 1 December and until 1 April.

🎯 What specialities are eligible for the multiplier coefficients?

The state is more interested in specialists in certain specialities and industries, so grant amounts are allocated with multipliers for them.

The amount of the first level state grant will be UAH 19500 and the second level will be UAH 32500 for such specialities (coefficient 1.3):

  • 023 – Fine arts, decorative arts, restoration
  • 024 – Choreography
  • 025 – Musical art
  • 026 – Performing arts
  • 035 – Philology (specialisations in Ukrainian language and literature, Crimean Tatar language and literature, folklore)
  • 12 – Information technology
  • 21 – Veterinary medicine
  • 22 – Health care (except for specialities 227 Therapy and rehabilitation, 229 Public health)

The amount of the first-level state grant will be UAH 22500 and the second-level state grant will be UAH 37500 for the following specialities (coefficient 1.5):

  • 01 – Education / Pedagogy
  • 09 – Biology
  • 10 – Natural Sciences (except for specialities 101 Ecology, 106 Geography)
  • 11 – Mathematics and statistics
  • 13 – Mechanical engineering
  • 14 – Electrical engineering
  • 16 – Chemical engineering and bioengineering
  • 17 – Electronics, automation and electronic communications
  • 18 – Production and technology
  • 19 – Architecture and construction
  • 20 – Agricultural sciences and food
  • 227 – Therapy and rehabilitation

There are also majors for which only second-level grants will work. Here they are:

  • 06 – Journalism
  • 07 – Management and administration
  • 08 – Law
  • 24 – Service sector
  • 28 – Public management and administration
  • 29 – International relations
  • 028 – Management of socio-cultural activities
  • 051 – Economics
  • 221 – Dentistry
  • 035 – Philology (except for specialisations in Ukrainian language and literature, Crimean Tatar language and literature, folklore)

🔄 How to get a grant?

  1. Choose an educational institution and programme.
  2. Submit an application through the applicant’s electronic cabinet.
  3. After enrolment, apply for a grant through the applicant’s electronic cabinet (5 September – 31 October).
  4. Pass identification through “Diia”.
  5. Open a special bank account to transfer funds (money will be transferred twice a year).

❗️Confused and don’t know what to do? Contact us, we will help you get a state grant easily and simply!