Recommendation for masters in the accounts of applicants
Congratulations to all applicants to the master’s program – the recommendation for the state-funded places, i.e. the results of the targeted placement algorithm for a broad competition and the results of the recommendation for a fixed volume of state order, have appeared in electronic accounts! All applications with priorities that had the status of “Admitted” as of today participated in this competition.
Where to find the recommendation?
Check the status of your application in your electronic account! If you have the status “Recommended (state-funded)”, you have passed the competition, if the status remains “Admitted”, then, unfortunately, you have not received a recommendation.
Lists of recommended applicants are also available on the websites of all universities.
What to do next?
If you have been recommended, you need to confirm your desire to study by August 26 (18.00) – in your electronic account you have to do it with a qualified electronic signature or Diia.Signature. Then you will need to send a package of required documents to the university where you will study. Be careful, all universities have their own list of documents. Just confirming in your office that you really want to study is not enough!
If you are not recommended, wait for a recommendation for a contract starting from August 27.
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