Consent to the personal data processing
In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”, in order to provide the selected services, I agree to
- processing of my personal data from primary sources in the following scope: information on education, passport data, data on registered or actual place of residence, biographical references, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, data confirming the right to benefits established by law, registration of an individual in the State Register of Individuals – Taxpayers (taxpayer identification number);
- use of personal data, which implies actions of the database owner to process this data, including the use of personal data in accordance with their professional or official duties or employment responsibilities, actions to protect them, as well as actions to grant partial or full right to process personal data to other subjects of relations related to personal data (Article 10 of the said Law);
- dissemination of personal data, which involves the actions of the owner of the personal data base to transfer information about an individual from the personal data base (Article 14 of the mentioned above Law);
- access to personal data of third parties, which determines the actions of the owner of the personal data base in case of receipt of a request from a third party for access to personal data, including the procedure for access to information about the personal data subject (Article 16 of the mentioned above Law).
In case of changes to my personal data, I undertake to provide, as soon as possible, updated, reliable information and originals of the relevant documents to update my personal data.