UEE 2024: What to expect?

The Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment has published the characteristics of the Unified Entrance Exam, or UEE, which will be taken by all applicants to this year’s master’s degree programs and some postgraduate programs. This test will include a General Knowledge Test (GKT) and a foreign language test (English, German, French or Spanish at the applicant’s choice). The number of tasks of each test, the forms of test tasks, the time allotted for their completion, and the scoring scheme have been determined.

The Test of General Knowledge will be made in accordance with the Program of the General Knowledge Test in 2022, and the Foreign Language Test – in accordance with the Program of the Unified Foreign Language Entrance Exam in 2019.

The TGK block will include two components: verbal-communicative and logical-analytical. There will be 27 tasks in total:

  • 4 – to fill in the gaps in the microtexts (subtasks 1-10) (you will need to complete the sentences in the microtext with phrases/words by choosing them from the given options);
  • 23 – multiple-choice questions.

The test will take 75 minutes to complete.

The tasks of the TGK will be evaluated in accordance with the scoring scheme. That is, 1 test point will be awarded for each correct answer to a multiple-choice question and 1 test point for each correctly filled-in gap in the microtext. Thus, you can get from 0 to 33 test points for completing all the tasks of the TKNK.

  • The foreign language block (English, German, French or Spanish at the applicant’s choice) will consist of two parts: reading and language use.

The test will contain 30 tasks:

  • 6 – matching tasks (you will have to match statements/situations to advertisements/texts, questions to answers or answers to questions)
  • 5 – multiple-choice questions;
  • 19 – to fill in the gaps in the text (you need to complete the sentences in the text with phrases/words from the given options).

You have 45 minutes to complete the test tasks.

According to the scoring scheme, 1 test point will be awarded for each correct answer to the multiple-choice questions, 1 test point for each correctly identified “logical pair” in the matching tasks, and 1 test point for each correctly filled-in gap in the text.

Thus, you can get from 0 to 30 points for completing the tasks of the foreign language unit.

We remind you that registration for the UEE will begin on May 07 and will last until May 29. If you have any questions, please contact us!


Admission Procedure-2024 approved

The Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Justice have approved the Procedures for Admission to Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Arts Degrees. Order No. 266 of March 06, 2024 defines the basic principles and procedures for higher education institutions in organizing the admission of applicants.

Among the main changes compared to the previous year:

📌All applicants for a bachelor’s degree must pass the NMT; admission based on the results of a motivation letter or creative competition is not possible.

📌Up to 15 applications can be submitted for all sources of funding, including 5 for state-funded programs.

📌The list of preferential categories for admission has been updated.

All the main innovations are in our infographic!

Confused about the documents and don’t know where to start? Order a basic consultation, we will decode the genetic code of the admission campaign for you!


Чи будуть гранти на освіту?

Today, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed a draft law on changes to the financing of higher education in the first reading.

The main provisions of the draft law:

📌 Some students will study at the expense of the state budget, and some will receive state grants for education. This does not imply a reduction in budget funds for the training of specialists with higher education, the procedure for distribution is changed.

📌 The state budget will be formed depending on the needs of the state. For key specialties (e.g., doctors, teachers, military, engineers, etc.), full budget support for training (on a competitive basis) is preserved. A system of guaranteed first job after graduation is also being introduced.

📌 The principle of “money follows the student”, according to which the student, not the university, receives funding, will be further developed. The student will receive a certain amount of money for education (grant) based on the results of the EIT / NMT.

The amount of the grant will be determined by the government, but within the established range of 15 to 50 thousand hryvnias. The most talented applicants will receive a grant that will cover all tuition costs, while co-financing will be applied to the rest.

For more information, see the draft law.


Lifehack for applicants abroad

In 2024, the National Multisubject Test (NMT) for Ukrainian youth abroad will be conducted in 28 countries. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment and the regional centers for educational quality assessment in Donetsk and Kherson regions held intensive consultations and negotiations to organize the test, but negotiations are still ongoing and temporary testing centers may be added.

Arrangements have already been made with such countries as Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Registration for the test will be available from March 14 to April 11. Applicants who plan to take the test abroad will have the opportunity to choose the most convenient location for testing. Despite possible changes in the list of locations, we advise you not to postpone registration, in which case you will have the opportunity to make changes until April 15 by choosing a more convenient place for testing.

Be sure to register in the first few days, as the number of places in temporary centers outside Ukraine is limited. We have prepared a map with locations and the number of seats for the main and additional sessions.

Do you still have any questions? Contact us, we will help you register for the NMT without any extra effort!


How to register for the NMT?

The Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Justice have finally approved an important document for applicants in 2024 – Procedure for Registration for NMT-2024.

How to register this year and what to look for?

✅ All applicants must create an NMT participant account on the website of the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment. Registration will start on 14 March at 9:00, so do not try to register before then.

✅ At the first stage of registration, applicants must indicate the registration number of the taxpayer’s account card, surname, name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, details of the identity document (passport, ID card, international passport, driver’s licence) – series and number.

✅ You must also provide a valid phone number and email address that you have constant access to.

✅ All applicants choose the category “current year graduate” or “graduate of previous years”, the fourth subject (biology, or geography, or foreign language, or Ukrainian literature, or physics, or chemistry) and the locality in Ukraine or abroad where they plan to take the NMT, as well as the language of the certification subjects (Ukrainian or languages of national minorities (Crimean Tatar, or Polish, or Romanian, or Hungarian), if they have the opportunity to take them).

If you are abroad and continue to study remotely at a school in Ukraine and will receive a complete general secondary education this year, do not select the category “in a foreign educational institution” during registration, instead select “in an educational institution of Ukraine” from the list and upload a certificate from the place of study on obtaining education in a domestic institution.

✅ At the second stage, you need to upload scanned copies of the required documents (.png/.jpg format, size not exceeding 1 MB), such as an identity document, a document confirming information about education, and a document with a taxpayer registration number.

If necessary, the following documents are also attached:

  • certificates of change of name and/or marriage certificates and/or divorce certificates (for persons whose documents contain discrepancies in personal data);
  • notarized translation into Ukrainian of documents submitted for registration (for persons submitting documents in a foreign language);
  • medical documents that give the right to create special conditions for the NMT.

✅ After processing the documents, regional centers must inform about the results within 7 days. Check your account for information. If the registration is successful, you will be able to generate a certificate of participation in the NMT-2024.

Till April 15 in your personal account you will be able to make changes regarding the following:

  • the subject of choice in which the applicant wishes to take the test;
  • the location in Ukraine or abroad where the applicant will be staying on the days of the NMT;
  • information about the need to take the NMT during additional sessions.

Good luck with your registration! If you have any questions, we will be happy to register you without any extra effort and nerves!


On the unified professional entrance test in agrarian sciences, economics and management for admission to a bachelor's degree

Innovations for applicants for bachelor’s degree on the basis of a junior specialist degree, junior bachelor’s degree and professional junior bachelor’s degree. You now have the opportunity to take an additional professional entrance exam, which will be taken into account when forming the competitive score for admission to the bachelor’s degree. This innovation applies to applicants for specialties in the fields of agricultural sciences, economics and management.

What do future applicants need to know?

  1. Professional entrance exams are voluntary. Applicants who want to improve their competitive score and consider their professional knowledge more important than general education subjects can register for them. The results of the exams are taken into account in the formula for calculating the competitive score. If you register, you have to come to the test, so evaluate your chances and opportunities in advance.
  2. It is not mandatory to take a professional entrance test. Applicants who do not register for this test can enter the university based on the results of EIE or NMT.
  3. The specialties for which professional entrance exams can be taken include agricultural sciences, economics, management, culture and art, social and behavioral sciences, public administration and administration.
  4. To calculate the competition score, a formula is used that takes into account subject grades, weighting factors, results of a creative competition, the score of a professional entrance exam, and points for successful completion of preparatory courses at higher education institutions. For an example, see our infographic.
  5. Registration for professional entrance exams is carried out from April 19 to April 30 during the main session, and from June 10 to June 14 for participation in the additional session. The exam sessions are scheduled from June 24 to 27, and the results are announced by July 08. The additional session is held from July 15 to 19, and the results are announced by July 29.

We wish you success in your preparation and admission! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate, we are here for you!


The webinar "All about NMT in 20 minutes" is available now!

        If you still have questions about the procedure for conducting and passing NMT and are lost among the piles of information, don’t worry, we are here for you! The webinar “All about NMT in 20 minutes” is already available on our YouTube-channel. Simple, fast and accessible information about NMT from M8 experts. You can read all the information in text format in our news article and view the slides. Still have any doubts? Contact us, we will help you register for the NMT on time and correctly without any extra effort! 


All about NMT in 20 minutes from M8 experts

            Yesterday, on February 28, M8 experts held a webinar for everyone who is currently preparing to register for the NMT, “Everything about NMT in 20 minutes”. The webinar recording will be posted on our YouTube channel very soon, but for now, we have prepared a list of highlights and a short presentation for you!

  • This year’s NMT includes four subjects, three of which are compulsory for everyone (Ukrainian language, mathematics, history of Ukraine), and the fourth can be chosen depending on the applicant’s specialty and knowledge (Ukrainian literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, foreign language – English, German, French or Spanish).
  • Everyone from high school graduates to college graduates will take the NMT. Even if you have a bachelor’s or master’s degree, NMT is required for admission to a bachelor’s degree program.
  • The NMT in 2024 will be divided into two blocks of 120 minutes each with a 20-minute break.
  • During the break, you can drink water, have a snack, use personal belongings, but it is forbidden to use any gadgets.
  • The NMT will be organized in all regional centers of Ukraine (except for the temporarily occupied territories) and abroad.
  • The NMT will be taken in a computer format at special testing centers.
  • Registration for the NMT will last from March 14 to April 11, and you can change your registration data until April 15.
  • To register, each applicant must create a personal account on the website of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment. To register, you must prepare a package of documents (scanned copies).
  • By May 08, information about the place of the NMT for each potential applicant will be available in the accounts.
  • The main session will be held from May 14 to June 25.
  • The results in the form of the number of test points obtained will be available on the screen immediately after the test. To overcome the pass/fail threshold, you need to get at least 15% of the maximum number of test points.
  • NMT participants will get the results on a scale from 100 to 200 in their offices by July 02.

         Do you have any questions? Not sure how to register or what documents you need? Our experts are ready to help you figure it all out!


NMT calendar plan is here

    The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has approved a calendar plan for organizing and conducting the National Multisubject Test (NMT) in 2024.

     The main stage of registration for participation in the main NMT sessions will last from March 14 to April 11.

       Testing will take place during the main and additional sessions:

  • Main: May 14 – June 25;
  • Additional: July 11-19.

    Until April 15, a registered participant will be able to make changes in their personal account (change the subject of their choice to another one or change the location in Ukraine / abroad in which he or she wishes to take the NMT).

    During the additional period (May 10-15), persons who were unable to do so for valid reasons during the main registration period and those who registered during the main registration period but were denied registration will be able to register for the NMT during additional sessions. Changes to registration data can be made until May 19.

  Starting from May 08, registered participants of the main NMT sessions will be able to download from their personal accounts invitations, which will indicate the date, time and location of the NMT. Participants of the additional sessions will be able to find out the date, time, and location of the testing from July 8. For security reasons, detailed schedules will not be published.

    Information on the results of the main sessions of the NMT on a scale of 100-200 points will be posted in the personal accounts of participants by July 2, and additional sessions – by July 26.

    Are you ready to choose your fourth subject and register for the NMT? If not, please contact us and we will help you!


NMT-2024 demoversions

The Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment is not trailing behind: all the demoversions of the NMT-2024 have been published and can be downloaded on the UCEQA website here in pdf format or viewed online. The correct answers are given at the end of each test, so you can check yourself immediately. 

This year, for those who want to practice taking the NMT, a special section has been developed on the platform “All-Ukrainian School Online”. How to take the test? Create an account on the platform “All-Ukrainian School Online” if you do not have one, or log in to your account. In the section “Courses”, select a course for the 10th or 11th grade, where you will go to the Demo version of the NMT-2024 tab. In this tab, click “View Course” and then “Register”, so you will have full access to the course to view and complete the test tasks. You will not have any time limits when taking the NMT at platform, and you can organize the subjects yourself. After completing the test, you will be able to view a individualized report on your progress by going to the “Progress” tab. Here you will find out how many test points you managed to score out of the maximum possible for completing tasks in each NMT subject, in which tasks you made mistakes, and which topic you should repeat or revise to catch up on gaps.

This year’s NMT will include four subjects: three compulsory subjects (Ukrainian language, mathematics, and history of Ukraine) and one of six optional subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography, Ukrainian literature, or a foreign language). The total time required for the test is 240 minutes with a break between the two blocks.

Do you have any questions about registration or choosing a fourth subject? Contact our specialists, and we will be happy to help you understand all the nuances!