UEE / UPEE: Additional registration

Didn’t have time to register for the UEE or the UPEE? Don’t worry, you still have a chance – an additional session will be held from 17 to 21 June for all applicants to master’s and PhD programmes who wish to register. No supporting documents are required to qualify you for registration. You just need to prepare a package of required documents! If you are planning to register for the additional session, you will take the test from 31 July to 14 August. Don’t worry, you’ll be in time!

Algorithm of actions:

💡 Decide on a speciality (especially if you need to take the UPEE).

Decide on the foreign language for the UEE – English, German, French or Spanish of your choice and the subject tests of the UPEE (if necessary).

💡 Decide on the city where you will take he UEE or the UPEE – be careful, the additional session is planned exclusively in Ukraine.

Fill in the application form for registration fo the UEE or the UPEE.

💡 Prepare scans of documents – passport (ID-card on both sides or passport-booklet – 1, 2 pages, if the second and third photos were pasted – the corresponding pages with marks, passport – first page); identification code; a document on previous education (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s degree) or a certificate of completion of studies (for those who will receive a bachelor’s degree in 2024, such a certificate is taken at the university where you study), in case of a change of surname – a marriage certificate or a change of surname.

💡 Prepare a photo for the documents (one colour photo on a light background, as for the documents).

💡 Apply to an educational institution that conducts admission to a master’s or postgraduate programme.

💡 Get an examination sheet – a document with which you will come to the test and with which you will receive invitations in your personal account on the website of the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment.

Or you can do it easier – contact us, we will do everything simple and easy! 


Increased threshold scores for UEE 2024

Important innovations for applicants to postgraduate studies – the Ministry of Education and Science has amended the Procedure for admission to higher education in 2024. The threshold score of the UEE is now 150, with both components – a foreign language and a test of general academic competence. Accordingly, you need to score 16 test points in the foreign language and 17 test points in the GAC. An alternative admission may be the UEE in 2023 with a foreign language test score of at least 130 points. Previously, the threshold scores were 130 in a foreign language and 100 in a GAC. We remind you that certificates of foreign language proficiency do not provide access to postgraduate studies in 2024.


Registration for the UEE and UPEE: only 7 days left!

Have you already registered for the UEE and / or UPEE? Time is running out – registration is open until May 29, so don’t delay. We remind you that the UEE is required for admission to absolutely all master’s and PhD programs: last week, the Ministry of Education and Science canceled the possibility of entering postgraduate programs with foreign language certificates at least B2 level. The UPEE is required for applicants to a certain list of specialties.

Algorithm of actions:

💡 Decide on a specialty (especially if you need to take the UPEE).

💡 Decide on the foreign language for the UEE – English, German, French or Spanish of your choice and the subject tests of the UPEE (if necessary).

💡 Decide on the city where you will take the UEE and UPEE – in Ukraine or abroad. The locations for the UEE and UPEE may be different.

💡 Fill in the application form for registration for the UEE and UPEE.

💡 Prepare scans of documents – passport (ID-card on both sides or passport-booklet – 1, 2 pages, if the second and third photos were pasted – the corresponding pages with marks, foreign passport – first page); identification code; a document on previous education (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s degree) or a certificate of completion (for those who will receive a bachelor’s degree in 2024, such a certificate is taken at the university where you are studying), in case of a change of surname – a marriage certificate or a change of surname.

💡 Prepare a photo for the documents (one color photo on a light background, as for the documents).

💡 Apply to the educational institution that conducts admission to a master’s or postgraduate program.

💡 Obtain an examination sheet – a document with which you will come to the test and with which you will receive invitations in your personal account on the website of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment.

Or you can do it easier – contact us, we will make everything simple and easy!


UEE and UPEE in Ukraine

We receive a lot of questions from applicants about where they can take the UEE and UPEE in Ukraine – in which cities will testing centres will be organised for future masters and PhD students? We have collected all the information for you in an interactive map! Go to the map, click on the desired city and view information about the UEE and UPEE in Ukraine! Do you have any questions about registration? Contact us, we will help!


How to register for the UEE and the UPEE?

Tomorrow, 7 May, registration for the Unified Entrance Exam (UEE) and the Unified Professional Entrance Exam (UPEE) will begin. Registration for these exams is carried out by university admissions committees, regardless of whether you are applying for a master’s or postgraduate degree — registration is carried out by university. If you are confused about the nuances, don’t hesitate to contact us, we will help you register easily and simply!

What awaits potential master’s and PhD students during registration?

Dates (main session):

Start date: 7 May

Ending date: 18:00 on 29 May

Where to go and what to do?

Registration can be carried out in person at the Admissions Office in the presence of the applicant or remotely. Remote registration is possible provided that the applicant submits scanned copies of the required documents signed by a qualified electronic signature (QES) or Diia.Signature. Important! Registration for the UEE/UPEE is possible only once at one university, the results will be valid for admission to all universities in Ukraine.

Required documents (scanned copies):

  1. Application form (in the case of remote registration — signed by the QES / Diia.Signature). A sample application form can be downloaded here.

What to indicate?

1.1. University

1.2. The speciality to which you plan to apply. If you are considering several options of specialities, you must indicate the speciality that includes the UPEE when registering, if necessary (you must pay attention to whether the university accepts students in this speciality). It should also be remembered that you can take no more than two subject tests of the UPEE.

1.3. Surname, name, patronymic.

1.4. Date of birth.

1.5. Information of the identity document.

1.6. Registration number of the taxpayer’s account card.

1.7. Information about the level of education obtained or the educational institution from which the applicant graduated. Please note that a certificate of the planned date of graduation and obtaining a diploma is required only for those applicants whose data is not entered into the Unified State Electronic Database on Education (graduates of educational institutions with specific conditions of study — military, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.)

1.8. Contact telephone number

1.9. Information about the need to create special conditions for testing — for applicants whose disease is included in the list of diseases and pathological conditions that give the right not to take the external independent evaluation. The list can be viewed at the link.

1.10. The need to take the UEE (yes / no). We remind you that this year, absolutely everyone needs to take the UEE for admission to master’s and postgraduate studies!

1.11. Foreign language of the UEE (English, German, French or Spanish).

1.12. Place of residence to take the UEE.

The list of settlements in Ukraine where testing points will be established is approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 583 of 25.04.2024 link. 

You can see the test centres abroad and the number of places on the interactive map.

1.13. The need to pass the UPEE (yes / no).

1.14. The location to take the UPEE. If 2 subject tests are chosen, they will be taken in the same city. The UPEE is not held in all cities where the UEE is held.

1.15. Titles of the subject tests of the UPEE, which are planned to be taken for the entrance exams (no more than two)

1.16. Conditions for obtaining an examination paper in case of remote registration (in person at the Admissions Office or by postal address)

This is the main document confirming registration for the UEE / UPEE, and the applicant must appear at the testing centre with it.

1.17. Indicate your name and surname and sign.

1.18. Indicate any additional documents (copies).

2. The identity document specified in the application form (passport or international passport — for citizens of Ukraine). It is this document that the applicant must bring to the test centre.

For successful registration, you must send scanned copies of both sides of the ID card or 1, 2 pages of the passport if there are pasted photos on 3-5 pages, they must also be sent) or a page of the passport with a photo (first spread)

3. A document confirming the information on the registration number of the taxpayer’s account card specified in the application form (taxpayer’s card, or passport of a citizen of Ukraine with the TIN entered in it, or birth certificate with the TIN entered in it, or a certificate of assignment of the identification number of an individual taxpayer), or a document confirming the reason for not entering information about the number into the questionnaire (for citizens of Ukraine who have refused to accept the number in accordance with the procedure established by law — a passport of a citizen of Ukraine with a stamp of refusal to accept the number).

4. Depending on whether you already have a diploma or not, you should submit the following documents to confirm it:

  • You have already obtained a diploma (bachelor’s, specialist’s or master’s degree) — submit such a diploma.
  • You have not yet completed your studies and will receive your diploma in 2024:

a) if you are completing your studies at a regular educational institution, no separate document is required;

b) if you are completing your studies at a military educational institution (Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.) — a certificate of the planned date of completion of studies and obtaining a diploma.

5. If there are grounds: documents confirming the applicant’s right to create special conditions for passing the entrance examinations using the EIT technology (form 086-3/о)

6. Photographs for documents measuring 3×4 cm (or a file in .jpg format with an image aspect ratio of 3×4, no more than 1 MB in size).

If you are confused, don’t worry, contact us now, we will take care of all the difficulties!


How to prepare for the Unified Entrance Exam?

Potential masters and PhD students are already aware that they must pass the Unified Entrance Exam or UEE. For some reason, this comprehensive test scares everyone, especially one of its parts – the General Knowledge Test. Our experts have taken the GKT more than 10 times, so we decided to collect their tips and share them with you! We have also prepared a demonstration version for you based on the materials of the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment – follow the link and try your hand!

About the structure of the TKT

It will consist of two components:

💡 Verbal-communication (reading the texts, finding differences between them, correctly inserting words into the passage according to their meaning, choosing opposite expressions, etc.)

💡 Logical and analytical (logical thinking tasks using combinatorics).

The entire test contains 27 tasks in two forms:

💡 Tasks 1-4, which consist of filling in the blanks in microtexts (subtasks 1-10).

💡 Tasks 5-27 are multiple-choice questions with one correct answer.

You will have 75 minutes to complete the test.

About the assessment of the TKT

All tasks are scored out of 0 or 1:

✅  1 mark for the correct answer;

❌  0 points if you provide an incorrect answer or do not answer the question.

The maximum number of points that can be scored by correctly completing all test tasks is 33 points, i.e. 10 points for tasks 1-4 (subtasks 1-10) and 23 points for tasks 5-27.

The results are converted into a scale from 100 to 200, and this is the score that will be used when applying for a master’s or PhD programme.

Verbal and communicative block.

The first 4 tasks are microtexts consisting of 1-5 sentences. There are 1-4 gaps and 4 answer choices for each gap.

Important points: Microtext.

📌 Each gap in the microtext corresponds to an independent question. Choosing an answer for one gap does not affect the others.

📌 Do not try to go through all possible combinations of answers.


  1. Read the entire microtext to understand its overall meaning. Identify key words and phrases.
  2. Try to fill in the gaps with your own words that restore the meaning of the sentence.
  3. Look at the answer choices and choose the one that best matches the style and content of the text.
  4. Make sure that the passage is logically coherent, grammatically correct and stylistically consistent.

You do not have to fill in the blanks in sequence. You can start with the one that seems easiest to you. Then move on to the next one.

The next part is text comprehension. You will be given two fairly large texts – about a page each or 400-450 words. The texts will contain 8 tasks, where you need to choose one correct answer out of 4 offered. The main thing here is to critically analyse, interpret and evaluate the information – to be able to find the difference between the texts, what the authors agree or disagree with each other about. The texts can be different – natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, business, art, everyday life. Usually these are real texts from the media or books. But the texts you will be given will be linked by a common theme.

Important points: Select the answer that is the best.

📌 Choose the answer that most accurately and completely answers the question.

📌 Tasks may include:

          📍 The main idea and purpose of the text, the author’s position.

          📍 Microthemes and keywords.

          📍 The relationship between different ideas in the text.

          📍 Explicit and implicit information.

          📍Structure, principles of information systematisation and argumentation.


🔶 Read each question carefully to understand it accurately.

🔶 Answer the questions only on the basis of the information provided in the texts.

🔶 Do not use your own knowledge and experience that is not supported by the texts.

🔶 Pay attention to the fact that the author’s text may contain several different opinions.

Successful completion of the tasks in this unit demonstrates a high level of language proficiency, analytical skills and the ability to work with information.

Logical and analytical block.

Logical thinking.

This unit contains 6 tasks – microtexts of up to 125 words and multiple-choice questions. You will need to recall argumentation (induction, deduction, analogy), identify a thesis and evaluate its validity, the ability to find common and different things in statements or reasoning, establish cause and effect relationships, determine necessary and sufficient conditions. Also, to logically draw conclusions, find errors in reasoning, use logical operations on statements (“and”, “or”, “not”, “follows”, “equivalent”) to determine/form new statements or their negations and/or establish their truth. We recommend that you recall or take a short course in formal logic – most of the problems in this unit are from this subject. But even if you have never studied logic, you will be fine, don’t worry!


  1. Read the task carefully. Make sure that you clearly understand the meaning of the condition, the requirements of the task and each answer choice.
  2. Pay attention to the requirements, e.g., “complete”, “accurate”. Paraphrase the condition given in the microtext. Identify the logical constructions that combine the individual statements. For example: if …, then; … then and only then …; … and …; … or …; not …
  3. Pay attention to the words used in the tasks and answer choices: “all”, “each”, “some”, “exists”. There are general statements that will apply to all objects and partial statements that will apply only to certain objects.
  4. Distinguish between direct and inverse statements, necessary and sufficient conditions.❗️If A, then B (direct statement): A is a sufficient condition for B; B is a necessary condition for A. If B, then A (converse). If NOT A, then NOT B (converse). If NOT B, then NOT A (converse).

Successful completion of the tasks in this unit requires a clear understanding of logical principles, the ability to analyse information and draw reasonable conclusions.

Analytical Thinking.

This section contains 9 multiple-choice questions. There will be 3 situations, each of which is accompanied by 3 tasks with 4 options. You need to choose one correct answer.

In these tasks, you will demonstrate that you are able to apply a given system of conditions that defines the properties of sets, their elements and the relationships between them, as well as analyse and verify conditions and establish cause and effect relationships. You will be asked to perform simple combinatorial, probabilistic and statistical calculations and create mathematical models (also simple). The tasks will also include analysing information presented in different formats: numerical, tabular, and graphical. You will triple your ability to transform information, determine the (in)sufficiency of data, and make predictions.

Important: Important:

🔴 All tasks in the unit are independent of each other.

🔴 Use only the initial conditions of the situation when solving.

🔴 Base your answers only on the information given in the condition, commonly known facts (e.g., the number of days in a month/year), and your mathematical knowledge.

🔴 Do not use additional information from other sources, even if it is relevant to the context of the task.


1. Situation 1:

🟡 Read the conditions carefully and make sure you understand them clearly.

🟡 If necessary, formalise the terms in a diagram or table to make your work easier.

2. Situation 2:

🔵 Think back to what you know about mathematical modelling.

🔵 Use the formulas and concepts to solve the problems.

3. Situation 3:

🟠 Apply your logical and mathematical knowledge and skills to solve problems. This situation involves working with data (analysing and interpreting graphs, charts (bar and pie charts), diagrams, tables, infographics.

🟠 Select the main data, check for consistency.

🟠 Be careful when converting data – calculating percentages, converting from one unit of measurement to another, etc.

🟠 Do not rush to answer, think carefully about all possible options.

🟠 Use your knowledge of mathematics and logic to justify your conclusions.

We hope that we have been able to help you understand. However, the best way to try your hand at it and understand what gaps you have in your knowledge is to take the GKT tests. One of the demo tests is available on our website – follow the link and test your logic skills!


UEE and UPEE abroad

All the countries and cities for the exam, including the number of places, are on our interactive map for prospective masters students. Open the map and find the right place for you.

The Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment has agreed with foreign partners to conduct the Unified Entrance Exam and the Unified Professional Entrance Exam (UPEE) in European countries. Temporary examination centres for the UEE during the main session will be set up in the 16 cities in 9 European countries, including Lithuania, Portugal, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and the Czech Republic. Testing centres for the UPEE Main Session will be set up abroad in the 13 cities in 7 European countries: Portugal, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Germany and the Czech Republic.

Please note that the number of places for the exam abroad is limited, so it is better not to delay your registration. We remind you that the registration for the UEE and the UPEE will start on 7 May and will last until 29 May.


Convert your NMT score!

Do you know how many points from 100 to 200 you will get in the NMT? How do you convert your test scores to this scale? Each NMT subject has its own grading scale and the maximum number of points you can score during the test. However, the competitive score for admission is calculated on a scale from 100 to 200, and to recalculate it, you need to open a special appendix to the Admission Procedure and search for how many points you need to score during the test. We took care of everything and made a calculator for converting NMT scores to a scale from 100 to 200 in one click! Follow the link and try it now!


Recording of the webinar "Admission Procedure 2024"

This Saturday, March 30, our team of experts held a free webinar for everyone! We explained the main nuances of the 2024 admission campaign and analyzed the main document – the Procedure for Admission to Higher Education in 2024.

We have prepared a recording especially for those who could not join us. What is waiting for you in the video?

🎯 The main stages of the admission campaign

🎯 All about NMT

🎯 Registration of the applicant’s electronic cabinet

🎯 Submitting applications for admission

🎯 Prioritization of applications

🎯 Grants

🎯 Motivation letters

🎯 Deadlines for providing a recommendation for admission

🎯 Typical mistakes of applicants

Do not waste your time! Check it out now!


Admission procedure-2024: Free webinar

Admission procedure-2024: Free webinar

All the innovations of the Admission Procedure 2024 from M8 experts!

On March 30 at 11.00 a.m., we will tell you about the nuances of the admission campaign, the main innovations and features. Do you have any questions? Join us and learn everything from our experts who have over 15 years of experience in the admissions offices of leading Ukrainian universities!

Your admission is no accident! It is the experience, professionalism, and knowledge of the M8 team!

We are waiting for you on March 30 in Zoom.