Registration for the Master's degree exam

We would like to remind all applicants to the Master’s programme that in addition to registering an e-cabinet, you also need to register for the professional exam at the university if you are applying for a speciality that does not require the UPEE. These are almost all engineering and technical specialities, medical specialities, etc. There are much fewer majors that require the UPEE.
💡 How do I register for the professional exam?
💡 Go to the applicant’s electronic account.
💡 Select the university.
💡 Select the required study programme.
💡 Select the stream – the time and date of the exam.
💡 Register!
The university must confirm that you are registered and send additional instructions (for example, a link if the exam is remote, or an audience if it is in-person) directly in the applicant’s account or by email. To apply for the state-funded programme, you must register by 16 July inclusive!
Can’t register? Contact us, we will help!