NMT = 200
Converting the NMT scores to a scale from 100 to 200. You will need these scores to calculate your competition score.
All specialities of Ukraine and bachelor’s degree passing scores for 2018-2023 in one place. Choose a speciality and apply!
All universities in Ukraine in one list. Choose a higher education institution from our list or contact our experts.
How to prepare for the General Knowledge Test? Demo version for applicants to postgraduate and master’s programmes.
UEE English
A demo version of a part of the Unified Entrance Exam (English) for postgraduate and master’s students.
UEE Spanish
A demo version of a part of the Unified Entrance Exam (Spanish) for postgraduate and master’s students.
UEE French
A demo version of a part of the Unified Entrance Exam (French) for postgraduate and master’s students.
UEE German
A demo version of a part of the Unified Entrance Exam (German) for postgraduate and master’s students.
The main dates of the admission campaign for future bachelors and masters. Keep track of the dates and don’t miss any important steps.